Non-conformity to the (RRN) Training Standards
The Restraint Reduction Network (RRN) Training Standards require training providers that support Affiliated Organisations, must have established procedures to handle non-conformalities. Affiliated Organisations are those with in-house trainers certificated by the training provider to deliver a specific training curriculum to the organisation’s employees. A non-conformity is a deviation from a specification, standard, or expectation.
Under the RRN Training Standards non-conformities are classified in two layers e.g. minor non-conformity and major non-conformity. An Affiliated Organisation is approved when they demonstrate that they conform to the RRN criteria. In the event that one of these criteria is found not to be maintained, an action plan will be initiated, confirming details of corrective action, evidence required and a timeframe for completion. The more significant the non-conformity, the more urgent the corrective action will be required.
Non-conformity examples - not an exhaustive list
Minor non-conformity
Major non-conformity
Approved trainers
Approved trainers
NAPPI uk believe in working together in partnership and the process of lifting the action plan will be individualised, with support offered to avoid delay. In the rare event of a non-conformity continuing, or if a major non-conformity is unable to be remedied, it may be required to remove a trainer’s approval, or relinquish the status of an Affiliate Service Provider.